Mama and Founder
Aneshka Boozer
Hello Goddesses,
I felt a strong pull towards more connection and authenticity. At the beginning of last year I hit a peak in my postpartum journey. Mamahood was guiding me towards my true core and unlocking painful blockage. That is also when I began my yoga journey and the re-birth of Gypsy By Knature. As a triple water sign, and intuitive, this space Is a way to have a more deeper connection with all of you. To be myself and share more raw behind the scenes of who I am. This is year is dedicated to all of you and building a stronger community that is relatable and inspiring. Gypsy By Knature is all things mama hood, sisterhood, wellness, yoga, mental health, and my ever expanding online store. Here I will also be offering exclusive discounts and early access to all creations in this space.What Are Some Tips For Working New Mama's Wanting To Start Yoga?
The beginning of my yoga journey was not easy as I learned we all start at the same space. I was 9 months postpartum and unbalanced inside. Feeling alone and left to figure out this new body and person. The mental journey took almost a year to understand the process of patience and all will come. This was yoga. physically I had no strength but I was really bendy. For a person who for years suffered from depression and eating disorder, It was hard not to compare myself to the others in the classes. I kept coming back but had to surrender to the hard work that was helping me unfold. Im grateful I still show up to my mat everyday even now. It has saved me and helped my postpartum journey.
Yin is what I did for 2 months straight. I wanted to understand the breath, and getting out of my head for an hour. A lot of dark emotions surface in yin. After two months, my mind and body were ready hot power Vinyaysa class. My advice is to go slow and take your time. Yoga is very forgiving.
One year and 4 months later, deep in my yogic journey, my business has prospered following a complete rebirth that came full circle this year. I finally feel alignment in mama hood and business. I no longer live outside of myself. Unapologetically.
Here are some tips that have helped me postpartum and as a beginner.
1. Find a good studio that resonates with you. See if they have virtual options when you cannot make class.2. Take a beginners class or Yin until your are ready. Don't stress yourself out about how many times a week you go just yet. Especially if you are still in the thick of the ebb and flow of finding your balance at home and work.
3. Find a supportive tribe. I began my journey with the dissolution of some friendships and It took me some time to understand why with acceptance. I allowed time for myself to grow and attract what was for me. The best feeling is when you are aligned with the ppl in your circle.
4. Wake up and practice before your baby or kids get up, during a nap, or at night when they go to bed. As long as you show up to the mat. A lot of studios offer virtual and youtube. This was me during quarantine. If you can afford it, privates are the best to really understand the deeper meaning of yoga too.
5. More time for meditation. Even if its 5min. Do 20 min stretching before bedtime. It helps anxiety and you have the best rest to restart the next day.
6. Yoga is very forgiving. Be easy on yourself on the days you fall short and get right back in it. Your mat is always there for you.
Love this blog love, I am so proud of you and your growth. Your yoga journey is so inspiring, can’t wait to start mine, you motivate me to keep going.
The Re Birth of GBK is EVERYTHING. The new products are absolutely beautiful and I can’t wait for more to come.
Let’s Go Gypsy By Nature!!
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